Beauty is often hidden by the limitation of our senses and perceptions.  This is actually a weed.

Photo ArtPhoto ArtPhoto ArtPhoto Art

See through a different lens!


My Background

After raising my family I began my journey of self discovery and happened on to photography by chance . Once I started looking through the viewfinder and practicing I had an A-Ha moment.  Rushing through life, we don't take the time to see the details and photography  freezes the frame so we can examine the full spectrum.

Photography as Communication

Photography stops what the eye blurs, it allows us to appreciate the  beauty and uniqueness of the capture.  The  full spectrum of colors of a  sunrise, a sunset, the emotional expression of an animated face, the details of the smallest are all possible through photography.  My art is for the busy person, luring them to STOP and look.  Look at something they have never taken the time to see and appreciate 

Sharing Experiences

Through my prints , I ask the viewer to take a closer look, at a place you have never been, a different view of a  familiar object or the  paused beauty of the scene.